Git as version control

Git Version Control

How to make good commits?

  • Atomic Commits: Each commit should represent an atomic change and focus on a specific task. Avoid mixing unrelated changes in a single commit.
  • Descriptive Commit Messages: Write clear and descriptive commit messages.
  • Do not commit breaking code: Only commit code if and only if it works. If the code doesn't work and you need to commit, add a toggle variable that allows deactivating the non-functional code. This variable should be committed in a state that does not affect people pulling the project.
  • Avoid Massive Commits: Avoid making massive commits that include unrelated changes such as linters or files not related to the specific commit change.

Interesting Commands

  • Go back to a specific commit
git checkout ${commit_sha}
  • Roll back a commit
git revert ${commit_sha}